Sunday, September 2, 2007

Ya gotta love sticky note data!

Hellooooooo - hmmm, I hear a big echo out there. Not sure anyone is listening but I've always managed to do a pretty good job talking to myself, so here I go again.

Well I'm onto stage three in my project. Completing the pre-writing critical analysis hands-on activity was exciting. My students were fully engaged and seemed to do a good job. I haven't had time to sort through the data, but in completing the process I realize that this is a valuable art activity with easy accountability and opportunity for good group interaction. So far it appears to be a success - and one student got excited just because she loved the idea of using sticky notes!


smb said...

Naataaaliieee! :) Hello! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous of how much data you have collected. But then I remembered that you live and die by a to-do list. I have the list, but I'm not too upset if it doesn't get done today or tomorrow. Eventually! :)

I have yet to finish compiling my data. Soon! I'm sure! However, I did send out permission to quote slips to my creative writing students. And, I did some different things with my writing groups than I have done in the past. Are these things necessarily in conjunction with my hunch, you ask? Not quite, but I think I'm getting there.

Today was the first day at school when I didn't feel like I was going 1000 miles. I haven't done any homework tonight, and I'm not sure that I will. I just needed some time away from all of it.

Just thought I'd let you know that you are not as alone as you think. Keep plugging along on the to-do list, and I have no doubt it will help you get into Art Education! :)

P.S. Super cool on the related article. You are a rock star!

Anonymous said...

Hey now - I don't exactly live and die by the list - but for this particular project I had to schedule campus computer labs which required that I make a schedule and actually stick to it. Add this to the fact that my class is also highly scheduled in order to fit in all the instruction prior to the peer teaching and you have to run a tight ship!

It was SOOOOOO glad to hear from someone online - I can't even tell you how frustrating it's been to be this excited and have no one to share it with. Thanks!

steph said...

way to go natalie! thanks for keeping up the blog! i forgot that sticky notes could be a form of data collection! i'm stealing it! awesome! could i get another copy of the permission slips you (and anyone else!!) use to quote kids, etc....

i'm excited to hear what you've done so far! in fact, let's just focus on what you've done and save my data findings for some other time (after i get caught up!!!) january! ha! awesome job!